Thursday, February 13, 2014

Not So Wonderful Winter Wonderland

There was no way in hell I was going into campus today. I woke up at 8 AM and looked out my window to find freakishly large snowflakes building up several inches of snow. Thank god my professors had the sense to cancel my classes! I could relax and spend the day eating and goofing around with my family, but not before shoveling the awful amount of snow that accumulated. The east coast got it bad this year, this snow is just NOT stopping. I'm afraid we will end up buried like those poor folks in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, haha.

Not only did it snow today, it RAINED! Yes, adding misery to our injuries, the 6 inches of snow became heavy and hard to shovel. We couldn't even play with the snow because it was getting all wet and nasty.  I asked myself and my father several times during our shoveling why we even live here. We never have an answer. There's something in New York we just can't leave behind. Nadia's mom likes to joke around and say there's gold in New York and thats why we stay. In the end it's okay, we tough it out like we newyorkers always do. I rewarded myself with some homemade soup by my momma, some pizza, and a much needed nap.  Here are some pictures of our never ending winter.



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