Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Beautiful BBQ Day

*Apologies in advance for everyone up north*

Florida weather is really bi-polar. One day it's super hot the next it's super cold. Especially this winter the weather has been really crazy and because us Floridians are not used to the cold, we've been freezing our butts off. And it's not even that cold. However, this last weekend the weather was beautiful so we decided to have a family picnic. When I say family, I mean 5 aunts, 2 uncles, 2 grandmothers, my grandfather, 8 cousins, a sister-in-law, and 2 nephews. So ya, a pretty big bunch we are.

We had to take advantage of this beautiful weather and went to a park that overlooked the lake. It was gorgeous and beautiful and our pavilion was right in front of the lake which was even better.

The blue cap belongs to my 4 year old nephew who refused to move and therefor ruined my pretty picture. But he has chipmunks cheeks so I couldn't get upset. (his mom was also right behind me so I really couldn't get upset)

This is the love of my life, my baby cousin. I don't know what I'd do without him. Fact about him: He loves cuddling and could be held for hours. Or maybe he's just too lazy to walk on his own. Either way, I love snuggling with this munchkin.

Apparently you're supposed to wait a little bit after you put the charcoal before you put your meat on the grill. My uncle and father forgot this part so our fire took longer to light up. We were definitely jealous of the other people and their big grill fires.

Babies melt my heart. But baby feet? I just die. My 3 month old nephew has little chubby feet and they are the cutest thing ever, so of course, I had to take a picture.

No park is completed without food. And there was food. Lots of it. And because it was my family, we went a little overboard and had a lot of leftovers. We're still eating the chicken two days later. 

A beautiful day spent with beautiful people and I definitely enjoyed every minute of it. Our next family picnic is at the beach and I can't wait for that one!


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