Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lemon Salt Exfoliator

On days where I have extra time, I love exfoliating my face. The smooth and clean feeling is amazing and it gets rid of the not so pretty dead skin off your face. I usually use store bought body exfoliators in the shower, but for my face I like to make my own exfoliator. I've been using this particular one for a very long time and I love how the zing of the lemon juice freshens me up every time.

I like to do this after I get some steam all up in my face. I go old school style when steaming, I boil some water, pour it into a large bowl, and put my face about 5 inches above the bowl with a towel over my head. I do this until the steam has reduced. After this, I use my Lemon-Salt exfoliator. Here's what you need to make this.

  • Juice of 2 lemon wedges. If you prefer limes, you can use them too.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt. I prefer regular table salt. If your skin is sensitive, you can substitute salt for regular sugar or oats as they are more gentle for the skin. 
                                                                       Image courtesy of

Please make sure that your skin is not allergic or sensitive to any of these products before trying it. 

Mix your ingredients together and rub it gently on your face in a circular motion. If it's too runny, add some more salt, and if it's to gritty you can add more lemon juice. The lemon juice really helps to even out my skin tone. I love it for when I get a bad tan on my forehead. The lemon juice also helps to brighten a dull face and makes you feel super fresh and alive. The salt is not too harsh and I think it has the perfect grittiness to exfoliate. It really removes the buildup I get, especially around my nose.  If you think the salt is too harsh for you, rub it more gently.

I rub this in for about 3 minutes and then wash it off with some cold water. Cold water should help to close the pores you opened during the steaming session. You can most definitely use this on your body as well, just use some more lemon juice and salt. I don't like to store this, it's much better when it's freshly made. You wont get the freshness and vitamins of the lemon and the salt may break down after a while. Don't forget to moisturize after the exfoliation, it's very important to soothe the skin you just rubbed clean and dry. My skin feels like a baby's bum after this, I love it! Try it and give your skin some citrusy lovin'.


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